Day 50: Die Another Day (2002, Dir. Lee Tamahori)

You were perhaps hoping for something more special for the 50th Blog milestone?
This movie is a bit of a joke to be honest, and that’s even comparing it to some of the other joke Bond films, and I’ve seen enough of them on Sunday afternoons to know this… This one came out with a big release back in 2002 and seemed to have a lot going for it and a great swarm of hype. It all starts off so well too with a promising North Korean premise, but it all gets a bit mixed up soon afterwards.
Don’t get me wrong here, there is a lot of fun to have in this one, the swashbuckling fencing sequence with the outrageously over the top villain is great bit of action and there are also some great sly nods to Bond fans with visual references and in jokes. Added to the fact that Pierce is clearly lapping up every chance he gets for another one liner this film certainly has its fun moments; but really you’d kind of hope for a little more substance. It seems as though for every impressive visual flair there is some naff CGI and for every great idea there is an invisible car.
Of course after this one it all changed with the arrival of Daniel Craig and the hard knocks school of Bond film, coming in the form of the fantastic Casino Royale and the equally great Quantum of Solace; mind you it’s interesting to think what Pierce could have done with another outing as 007.
Extra: Hopefully Bond 23 with Sam Mendes at the helm will be back on track soon…
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