Day 47: King Kong Escapes (1967, Dir. Ishirô Honda)

The big monkey makes his second appearance on the blog, alas this time it’s not as exciting as the poster makes out it is.
This film came about after the successful pairing of the lovable ape with Godzilla a few years earlier. Whilst not exactly a sequel this film shares many traits with its predecessor, perhaps most notably cheap sets, dodgey costumes, a naff script and some hammy acting!
The plot from that first film was pretty nonsensical as it is but this is really something; it revolves around Doctor Who (no not that one) building a mechanical Kong to mine radioactive materials, only he can’t do it so they kidnap the real one to do it instead; but wouldn’t you know it, he escapes! So its fight time, but by the time the credits roll you’ll probably have forgotten most of this and just remember the punch ups.
A bit of silly fun but not much else I’m afraid monkey fans.
Extra: A big metal monkey fighting King Kong and it’s not amazing; who’d have thought it?
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