Day 43: Fido (2006, Dir. Andrew Currie)

Yep, it’s zombie time again readers… I think there’s an infestation problem on this blog…
This zombie comedy is a rather unique premise really, set in the aftermath of a zombie war where the un-dead have been trained to be civilised servants. They have some fun of the idea of zombie servants as you’d expect from the conventional butlers and milk men to the concept of zombie relationships… The 1950’s American suburbia setting is a really great one for an off kilter zombie comedy movie and is strangely very fitting, mixing elements of nostalgia from the time and a bit of Dawn of the Dead for good measure. The setting also provides an interesting commentary to issues of homeland security and underclass today but the film doesn’t dwell to much on this perhaps wisely; instead sticking to a Lassie-like comedy that is simply fun to watch.
The problem is the interesting concept wears a bit thin in the middle. The jokes are fun and create some cute moments but basically it is a one joke gimmick which isn’t quite enough to sustain 90 minutes. The performances are likeable but never really excite or capitalise on the comedy potential.
There is a lot to enjoy in this unique and surreal film; a macabre take on a Boy and his dog story that mixes some B-movie splatter with some witty ideas and comic moments.
Extra: Billy Connolly quite suits the un-dead look.
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