Day 48: Finding Nemo (2003, Dir. Andrew Stanton)

Pixar can’t really do any wrong can they? From the moment they first burst onto the big screen in the mid 90’s with Toy Story right up until last years absolutely fantastic Up. Their brilliant story crafting and beautiful animation skills have constantly but them ahead of any competition; this is clearly visible now in the build up to Toy Story 3 and it was also visible in their 2003 film, Finding Nemo.
The father and son dynamic is something we have seen countless times in film but of course that’s not to say it can’t still deliver. The emotional punch has become a trait of Pixar and always puts them head and shoulders above the animated competition. The comedy of course comes in as much abundance as the heart felt moments proving this film is truly an aquatic joyride, for young and old.
Visually stunning, genuinely funny, touching and sweet. Finding Nemo is another jewel in the Pixar crown and is simply an absolute joy.
Extra: How do people feel about the forthcoming Cars 2 and the Monsters Inc. sequel?
I love this film too! It is so wonderful and I really could watch it over and over again. I also didn't realise there was going to be a cars 2 or a monsters inc, sequel but I didn't like cars, and I'm not sure a sequel will really work with a film like monsters inc...