Day 25: Pulgasari (1985, Dir. Shin Sang-ok)

It would be impossible to review this film without giving it some context. This film is a North Korean monster movie produced by none other than Kim Jong-il, yes that Kim Jong-il. However Communist North Korea isn’t well known for its film auteurs so Kim ordered the kidnapping of South Korean director Shin Sang-ok and his wife so after keeping them prisoners for a few years, he could force Sang-ok to make some films. What could go wrong?
It’s certainly epic, you’ve got to give it that; and with all the money North Korea could throw at it you’d expect it to be! Plus thousands of soldiers from the North Korean army provide their services as extras, so the crowd scenes are definitely big. The monster itself is a pretty effective behemoth harking back to classic screen creatures such as Godzilla and King; whilst it may not be as visually iconic, and looks rather dated by today’s standards you simply can’t take your eyes off him every time he is on screen. Sometimes its because he looks a fairly laughable but I’ve seen a lot worse!
The story is of course trying to convey a certain message, and as you’d probably expect that’s a propaganda message about the positives of a collective against the evils of Capitalism. Fortunately the story does this in a fantastical way with the back drop of feudal Korea, plus with Sang-ok at the films helm it never seems like you’re having this political leaning shoved down your throat. The fact it tells this story by using a giant metal eating monster is what gives it some merit; and also this pretty much distracts from any serious connotations of Communism you may come away with.
Pulgasari is an oddity which will definitely baffle and leave you speechless, it may not be great but it’s one any film fan should see for its unreal legacy alone. It’s hard to imagine Kim Jong-il as any thing but the lonely-Cartman-like puppet from Team America, especially not an action movie producer but here he delivers something that will certainly intrigue film fans for years to come. And happily Shin Sang-ok and his wife escaped! Plus this film is probably still better than the American Godzilla…
Extra: Baby Pulgasari is so cute…
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