Day 22: Alien Apocalypse (2005, Dir. Josh Becker)

You find yourself watching some pretty naff films sometimes; and this easily could be one of them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it too if you take it for what it is.
The film was made for the American Sci-Fi Channel and so it delivers a story that it knows will work for its desired audience; a post apocalyptic world provides the setting whilst the narrative is mixed with sci-fi, action, horror, elements of fantasy adventure and a bit of comedy too. The film knows it isn’t Citizen Kane but it deals with this by playing to its strengths. The aliens taking all of Earths wood is an interesting idea in this current eco climate, however the big piles of wood can’t help but looking a bit cheap. Whilst Becker’s direction never really rises above the standards of low budget TV shows a few Sam Raimi-esque visual flourishes do manage to seep through.
Though with its TV budget in mind the title alien’s are pretty effective; yes they do look CGI and the green goo is a bit crap but they do manage to look pretty imposing by utilising the productions limited funds; but most importantly they manage to be an interesting interpretation of invaders, this is achieved by showing aspects of the alien culture such as their burial ceremonies and how they interact with the humans.
Of course many will find this film because of its cult icon star, Bruce Campbell. As always Bruce provides, comedy, action and horror in his trade mark idiot to hero way. Whilst it may not be his best work, it is far from his worst. Bruce makes this film work like very few other actors would have been able too, taking a some what dopey idea and a limited production and giving it merit, making it fun and drastically increasing its watchability.
A definite must for any contemporary B-movie fans or anyone looking for something a bit different from an action film, it knows its cheap and it knows its cheesy but its pretty good fun along the way too.
Extra: Where does he get that sword from?
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