Day 3: Enter the Dragon (1973, Dir. Robert Clouse)

Bruce Lee is effortlessly cool. Every fight scene in the film oozes cool. Even Williams and Roper are pretty cool!
Though there are problems which let this movie down, the plot is pretty forgettable, the haircuts date the film something rotten, the soundtrack and “hi-yah!” sound effects make it so that you can’t stop thinking about every rubbish kung-fu knock off film since! And the final fight scene strays dangerously into dodgey 70’s Bond film territory… But I guess in some ways this nostalgia and cheesiness adds a whole other level of charm to the film. And lets be honest, people aren’t really watching this for the plot! Every fight sequence is a master class and Bruce Lee’s brooding presence means you simply can’t take your eyes off him, a really fascinating and effective performance.
But it is also true that by the very nature of the film, it becomes a bit of a weird mish-mash. Being an American co-production and being set in Hong Kong the film can’t help but fall into a transnational mine-field. It can almost be passed off as being “of the time” and using the popularity of blacksplotation to its advantage, but in doing so it makes for a odd mix of stereo-typing and representation. This doesn’t lessen the enjoyment the film but does raise some interesting questions and readings about certain elements.
However the film remains a fun watch and a memorable one too. I suppose this film will always have the legacy of being Lee’s last completed film, something which, perhaps unfairly puts a lot of weight, cultural significane and prestige upon it. But it does deliver, and because of this association viewers for years to come will know about it, and be able to appreciate the art, hard work, dedication and supreme skill that went into its creation.
Extra: Despite the kung-fu sounds being a bit naff, all night i've been i've been making them everytime I even open a drawer... Hi-yah!
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