Day 1: Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980, Dir. Irvin Kershner)
(2004 DVD Edition)

So where better to start than with Empire? I am a huge Star Wars fan and have been since I was very young; when I first watched Star Wars on VHS in the early 90’s I knew it was cool and there was a big slug type thing in it… It wasn’t till a few years later when I got a Speeder Bike toy for my 7th or 8th birthday that I really got interested and watched those tapes quite a bit, and for years I loved Return of the Jedi but as I got a bit older I realised Empire was the jewel in the crown.
And to this day I think Empire is the perfect film. I really can’t fault it, the acting is great, the drama is real, gripping but with comedy elements, genuine scares and heart warming romance, the action and spectacle still take your breath away as much as any blockbuster has to this day. I really can’t fault this film, it’s not just the one of the greatest sequels of all time, or a great sci-fi movie, it’s a flawless film.
For me there are a lot of highlights in this film, everything from the visuals of Cloud City to the coolness of Lando, The Bounty Hunters to Empire, the dog fight on Hoth to the Luke/Vader fight and of course that revelation which still is effective as ever.
And here is the part that might get some people a bit worked up but I’m going to say it anyway, I think to date this DVD special edition is the best version of the film out there. Now OK admittedly that isn’t going to be the hardest part to stomach, Empire is the film which hasn’t had that much work done to it, a new Emperor scene, Cloud City cleaned up a bit, a different line here and there but what is wrong with that? And what is wrong with making the space battles a bit more high tech or giving a wider scale to the end of Jedi? Or indeed, what is wrong with all of the prequels?
OK everyone that’s the hard part over with now let me explain myself. I am not just a George Lucas yes man but I don’t think that he wrecked my childhood either. I think he has given us all an amazing series of films, but a series of films that aim to tell one big story. And I think you have to understand that and if you watch them all you can appreciate other elements in all of the films which you might not have thought about before. Having recently re-watched I, II, The Clone Wars, III and IV in order, part V fits in perfectly as part of that puzzle. I will admit I am a fan of all 7 Star Wars films, and no they might not all be as perfect as Empire and yes all have their own problems, but then again what film doesn’t? And I think it’s totally crazy that some so called fans attack the franchise as a whole, because Lucas has told the story he wants to tell the way he wants to tell it, using the best technology available at the time to do so. Episode I will have never been enough for some to live up to the 20 year hype of a new Star Wars movie. OK yes it had Jar Jar, but it also had Darth Maul, Qui-Gon, the Podrace, the best lightsaber battle of the whole series and special effects that live up to Hollywood’s output 10 years later. I think some fans need to let go of their negative theories and bitter memories and enjoy the whole of the Star Wars series.
But anyway I didn’t mean this to turn into a big rant but prequel love-in aside, Empire still stands as the big one and it was as fun and effective watching it today as it has ever been. Happy 30th anniversary!
Extra: I ate a Twister ice-lolly whilst watching this film! Also my reviews probably won’t be this long most of the time I just got a bit carried away with the rant at the end there…